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Jennifer's Books




Murder on St. Mark's Place (Gaslight Mysteries, #2)

Murder on St. Mark's Place - Victoria Thompson

I am really loving this series of books!


My only complaint is that they're not long enough. The first two in the series are less that 300 pages each, and as fast as I read I feel like I'm finished with them before I even get started.


I had the killer pegged pretty early on in this book as well, but got tricked, as did Sarah, into believing I was wrong.


Again, I love the interaction between Sarah and Frank. I like how the relationship between the two is being built very, very slowly. It seems much more natural that way. I've also enjoyed the way Frank has evolved in regards to his son and Sarah in regards to her parents. There was one moment between Frank and his son in this book that brought tears to my eyes.


Oh, and I have to say that Sarah's superstitious neighbor, Mrs. Elsworth, has fast become one of my favorite characters.