(I don't think I mention anything spoilerish here, but I'm hiding my review behind a spoiler cut just to be safe.)
I think that somewhere in the back of my mind that I had decided that this book would receive an extra star in my rating no matter what I thought of it based solely on the fact that I was so excited that I was finally able to read it.
Thankfully, the book earned the whole five stars on its own merits.I loved this book! It was full of intrigue and mystery, by turns heart warming and heartbreaking, and had plenty of lighthearted/amusing moments to offset the more serious ones.
I was worried that now that Emily and Colin were married that their relationship would become a little staid or boring, but happily that was not the case. Their dialogue and banter was as fresh, witty and flirtatious as in the previous three installments. I love the interaction between these two!
I was also glad to see the return of Margaret as I wasn't sure how many of the other regular cast of characters we'd see due to the fact that the action all takes place in Constantinople. I also like the use of the letter to Emily as a way for us to hear from some of the other characters (Ivy, in particular) not physically present in the storyline.
I have to admit that I got about 3/4 of the way through the book before I even began to get an inkling of how things were going to play out, which--believe me--is definitely a plus. Is it too soon to ask how soon we can expect book 5? ;)