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Jennifer's Books




A Crimson Warning (Lady Emily Series #6)

A Crimson Warning - Tasha Alexander

I really, really enjoyed this book.


Emily and Colin are back home in London when Colin is called in to investigate the brutal death of a successful businessman. At the same time red paint begins to be splashed across the doorsteps of some of most influential members of society (including the murder victim). A scandalous detail of the person's life is then made public. Society sits on pins and needles as they wait to find out who will be targeted next.



I love the fact that Emily and Colin have finally settled into a working relationship that works for them: Colin trusts Emily and respects her opinions and her work and while concerned for her safety, doesn't try to wrap her her cotton and put her on a shelf; while Emily respects the fact that due to his duties as an agent for the Crown, there's just some details of his investigations that she cannot be made privy to.


One thing I worry about when a couple in a mystery series such as this gets married early on is that their relationship will eventually turn stale. Fortunately, that is not yet the case with Colin and Emily...at least not in my opinion.The book overall--as always--is extremely well written, the dialogue between the characters is sharp and crisp, and the mystery is well plotted.