I love this series. This time period isn't one that's covered as much in fiction...or at least not as much as the Victorian and Regency Eras, so these books are a refreshing change of pace.
They're also quite extensively researched, yet for the most part one doesn't feel like they're having a bunch of historical facts thrown at them in lieu of the actual story. I always end up reading about real people/events that I want to look further into after finishing the book.Though, I have to admit, my eyes did glaze over at some of the religious aspects.
This one started out a bit slow for me, then got better and then lagged a bit again. But the last section of the book more than made up for the slower parts. Talk about action packed! I also quite enjoyed meeting the new characters--most especially Boggart and O'Donnell--and having the now grown Ulf return as well.
Two things that particularly bothered me, though, were the fact that Adeila absolutely would not believe that she was in any danger, no matter how many times it was blatantly pointed out to her. I know she can be a bit stubborn at times, but come on now.
The other thing I didn't like was the cliffhanger ending. Rowley was gravely injured, begging to be taken home, and apparently ready to give up his position as Bishop, while the other holy men were summoning backup to try to wisk him away from Adelia as she's asking O'Donnell to sail them all home, and the book just ends.
It just ends.
Also...Rowley is a favorite character of mine. I seriously hope he survives to see the next book. I'm quite worried.
Speaking of the next book, I wonder when it's coming out?